Senin, 01 Juli 2013

About Me! ^^

Senin, 01/07/2013
pukul : 21:00

About Me! ^^

Hello, this is new blog of Desyana Al Syarief Pratiwi ^^ And sorry if Im wrong to make this blog hehe. and my personal photos and stuff ^^. So, lemme introduce myself. Ohh maybe, I'll make a biodata of me ^^ here's my biodata:

Real Name: Desyana Pratiwi
Nickname: Dessy, Echi, Cici
Birthday: Desember 03/12/97
Height: 160
Weight: 43
Blood Type: O
Hobbies: Blogging, Online, and Drawing
Things I like: Animals, Playing piano, watching tv, eating, drinking DLL
The thing I do not like: animal insect, hypocrisy, lies, ETC
Family: My Dad, my Mom, Me, my brother and sister boy I

I think, just it about me. ^^
Thanks :)


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